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Ethical Policy

At, we are committed to conducting our business in an ethical, responsible and sustainable manner. Our ethics policy describes our commitments and principles that guide our work, including how we interact with users, partners and society at large.

Last updated: 05 November 2024

1. Our commitment to sustainability

Our main goal at is to reduce food waste by connecting users with restaurants that offer surplus food. We strive to make a positive impact on the environment by:

  • Reduce food waste: We work actively to reduce food waste and support restaurants in selling surplus food to users, which contributes to a more sustainable food chain.
  • Environmentally friendly choices: We encourage users and partners to make environmentally friendly decisions, such as using reusable containers and reducing plastic use.

2. Ethical business practices

We are committed to conducting our business with the highest integrity and according to fair business practices:

  • Honesty and transparency: We act honestly and transparently in all our business relationships and communications.
  • Responsibility to customers: We strive to offer reliable services and to handle all user contacts in a respectful and responsible manner.
  • Fair treatment: We treat all our users and partners fairly and respectfully, without discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, disability or other protected characteristic.

3. Cooperation with partners

We choose to collaborate with restaurants and cafes that share our values ​​of sustainability and responsible business practices. We encourage our partners to follow ethical guidelines that promote safety, fairness and respect for both customers and employees.

4. Social responsibility strives to contribute to society by:

  • Supporting the local community: We work with local restaurants and cafes to promote the community economy and support local businesses.
  • Openness and dialogue: We are open to feedback from our users and the community, and we are constantly looking for new ways to improve our business and our social impact.

5. Reporting Unethical Behavior

We encourage anyone using our platform or working with us to report suspected unethical or illegal behavior. If you experience or observe something that violates our ethics policy, please contact us so that we can investigate and take appropriate action.

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FoodieFinder @2024 - Part of BuildLoop Sverige AB 559475-7170